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Corporate Leadership


Raise team performance

As your leadership-development partner, my goal is to help your employees achieve their goals. Do they aspire to communicate with more impact? Manage stress? Prioritize to get more done? Delegate better? Whatever their needs, I am their advocate and ally while they take the steps to grow, gain confidence, and reach that next level.

The result? More production, less struggle, and more fulfillment.


Services that support
leaders’ needs and goals

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Sources: Corporate Executive Board (CEB), Association for Talent Development (ATD)

First-Time Managers

Your new managers need a strong support system as they transition from individual contributor roles. Coaching during the first 90 days can significantly impact resilience and success by accelerating the transition. I use leadership tools and assessments to show your team where they are today, help them realize where they want to be, and recognize and break through any barriers that stand in their way. Together we plan a development roadmap for the new role, and identify strengths and gaps to achieve their ideal leadership style.

Consider that 60% of new managers underperform or fail in the first 24 months. It’s clear that offering comprehensive leadership development programing – including customized coaching – can bring a measurable return-on-investment that sets them up for success.


Mid-Career to Senior Managers

Your mid-level or senior managers have reached a point where off-the-shelf, one-and-done leadership development programs are far less effective. Providing them with a personal advocate and sounding board customizes support based on individual needs and goals. 

What is their current level of awareness, performance, and effectiveness? What gaps or blind spots are they experiencing or getting feedback on? Are they struggling to meet a new challenge or manage change? Together, we explore the building blocks that are meaningful for their growth, whether emotional intelligence, communication, decision making, time management, influencing others, health and wellness or interpersonal relationships. From here, we put learning into action by setting goals to make the desired changes. 

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High-Potential Individual Contributors

Your high-performing employees in a leadership track often need more confidence to feel ready for a promotion. Professional-development workshops can provide valuable training, but go farther when complemented by individual or group coaching conversations and tools. We work together to:

  • Articulate values, beliefs, and strengths

  • Define leadership vision and style

  • Uncover any doubts and areas for growth

Our goal is to help the emerging leader create an action plan that enables them to embrace new perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors.


Let’s co-design a strategy that lays the foundation for your team to feel more successful in their role and career.